About a brighter future

We strive to find responsible solutions for a brighter future with attention to health, safety, ethical or environmental practices.


See our Goals & Initiatives

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Responsible Sourcing Goals

We are dedicated to reducing our environmental footprint and upholding workers’ fundamental rights within the facilities producing our goods and within our supply chain. To assist us in driving facility social and environmental improvements globally, we use the Higg Index.

• Achieve 100% responsibly sourced cotton for Kohl’s proprietary brands by 2025 • Require 50% of polyester styles to contain recycled materials in Kohl’s proprietary brands by 2025 • Emphasize the elimination and reduction of certain chemicals and strive for zero discharge of hazardous chemicals in tier 1 suppliers for select Kohl’s proprietary brands • Utilizing the Higg Index, drive substantial reduction in water use in the production of Kohl’s-owned branded products by 2025 • Require all approved facilities producing Kohl’s proprietary brand products to complete the Higg Index Environmental Module


Our Chemical Management Policy, Restricted Substance List (RSL) and the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) apply to all private-brand textile and footwear raw materials and related finished products.

Raw Materials

Social and environmental impact factors are considered when we evaluate the sustainability of the raw materials we use to source Kohl’s proprietary brands. The environmental risks associated with sourcing raw materials include chemical management, water and energy consumption, biodiversity loss, and deforestation, as well as climate change. Read More on our Raw Material Sourcing Policy. Our raw materials sourcing strategy focuses on the key materials that account for the majority of our raw material consumption. Our priority materials are cotton, polyester, nylon, and manufactured cellulosic fibers. As a pillar of our sourcing strategies, we have partnered with key players behind some of the world’s largest and most innovative sustainability initiatives.