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Baby Strollers

Your family’s on-the-go lifestyle requires items that get you from Point A to Point B as quickly, efficiently, and safely as possible. And if your family includes a small child, this becomes even more important.

Thankfully, you can ensure safe travel with your child, using a stroller! All the functions of a stroller allow you and your child to travel with ease, getting to your destination safely and ready to explore!

Important Stroller Features and Details

Here is a quick glance at some of the more important features and functions that can be found in many of today’s strollers:

  • Multi-position reclining seat
  • Convertible harnesses
  • Pivoting child's tray
  • Sturdy, swivel front wheels
  • Height-adjustable handle
  • Parent's tray with cup holders
  • Lightweight, one-hand, easy-fold design
  • Extra-large storage basket
  • Back wheel lock

These features make your on-the-go lifestyle easier, while keeping the baby comfortable and safe at all times.

Travel System Strollers

One popular style of stroller is the travel system. With both a stroller and car seat provided, these combination travel systems easily convert from in-vehicle use to on-foot use. This allows them to travel wherever you and your family go, getting to your destination safely and ready to explore!

One specific style of travel system is a jogger travel system. This product is designed for those parents who live an active lifestyle, and want to take their kiddos with them as they head out for a jog, walk, or run.

Jogger travel systems offer features that allow for a smooth ride for the baby, as mom or dad gets their workout in. These features include air-filled tires, suspensions, multiple riding positions, and more. With these features, both you and your child can enjoy time outside during a run or jog!

Another type of travel system you can choose is a lightweight system. These products feature frames that are made of lightweight materials that make transportation quick and easy, without sacrificing stability and durability.

All travel systems offer rapid folding designs, car seats that provide maximum protection in case of a collision, storage baskets, cup holders, trays, and easy attachment of car seats to strollers, all helping ensure you and your child enjoy your time on the go!

Other Stroller Types & Products

At Exdup, we offer plenty of different types of strollers, each designed for your unique family situation. No matter how many kids you have, or what activities you’ll be primarily taking part in, there’s sure to be a stroller that’s perfect for you!

Here are some other stroller styles:

  • Double strollers - ideal for families with two children
  • Full-size strollers - typical strollers that offer many features and functions that allow for easy travel
  • Triple and quad strollers - for families with three kids or more, these strollers accommodate even the biggest clans!
  • Stroller accessories - a wide range of accessories and add-ons to provide even more storage space, safety, style, or comfort - both for you and for your child

With a travel system at the ready, your family is set to take on new adventures in the great outdoors! And be sure to check out all our other baby gear, like cribs, car seats, and more, for all the other essentials you need for your child!